Improve Your Job Prospects by Understanding These 5 Technological Trends

If you are looking for a new job, then you need to understand the latest trends. Creations such as virtual reality are altering the way that businesses operate. It is not just technology companies that are affected, either. Even the health care and banking industries are affected by these changes. 

Companies thus want employees who can work with these new innovations. Understanding the below technologies will give you a leg up over other job searchers.

1. Touch Commerce

Touch commerce is a new innovation in eCommerce that allows customers to purchase goods from their mobile devices with a single click or fingerprint.  Transactions of this type are increasing immensely across nearly every industry.

2. Virtual Reality

While VR has existed since the 1950s, there have been real developments in this field over the past few years. Video games have already added VR components, and it won’t be long before this technology revolutionizes other industries. Educational companies have already started using VR to improve learning. Businesses may also adopt VR as they attempt to better communicate with their customers.

3. Machine Learning

Machine learning involves a computer’s ability to track patterns and analyze data. It is particularly relevant in the world of social media, as platforms study your comments and likes to see which content you prefer. However, all kinds of companies can use the machine learning process to discover and meet their customers’ needs.

4. Cognitive Technology

This is similar to virtual reality and machine learning. It includes technologies such as speech recognition and natural language processing that can be used to automate certain tasks. While the analytics and accounting industries are affected by this innovation, it is particularly relevant to software companies. One estimate projects that 95 percent of enterprise software companies will adopt cognitive technologies by 2020.

5. Internet of Things

Internet of Things is the theory that all technological devices can be linked to both the internet and each other. This, in turn, can perfectly connect the digital and physical worlds. Companies can use this concept to track how consumers use their tablets, phones and computers. Businesses can then use this information to create optimal customer experiences or ad campaigns.

A successful company wants and needs employees that can apply virtual reality and other new technology to help the business grow. Discussing the above innovations on your résumé or during your interview can thus help you convince a human resources department that you are just what the employer needs.